How Do You Tell If You Need A Root Canal?

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Toothaches and swelling can be painful and disruptive to your everyday life. Without special diagnostic tools and years of training you can’t possibly know exactly what is going on with your tooth. A trip to the endodontist is the best way to find out for sure whether you need a root canal treatment, though there are a few signs and symptoms that could indicate you may have a diseased root that needs attention. 

What is a Root Canal? 

Root canal treatment is a common procedure that removes infection and tooth decay that have made their way into the pulp of a tooth. What starts outside the tooth’s enamel eventually makes its way through it, as well as the dentin, and then straight into the soft tissues - including the pulp at the center of the tooth. 

A root canal removes this inflamed pulp and cleans out the infection and bacteria from the tiny canals, finally treating the tooth with disinfectant before sealing it up. This seal is usually temporary until the endodontist can be sure that all infection has been removed. Then, a more permanent dental crown will be added to restore strength and functionality to the natural tooth. 

How to Tell if You Need a Root Canal

Again, there is no other way to find out for sure whether you need a root canal than to see your endodontist. In the meantime, if you are experiencing any of the following, you may want to make that appointment. 

  • Constant pain: A tooth in need of a root canal treatment will generally cause you pain, whether nonstop or intermittent. Sometimes it is felt in the tooth itself, other times it can be felt in the jaw, in other teeth, or in all areas around the face and mouth. Pain is a good indication that there is something going on that needs to be addressed.  
  • Tooth sensitivity: Sensitivity to temperatures, such as cold or hot foods and beverages can mean many different things - one of which could be the need for a root canal. This pain is often sharp or dull but it does not usually disappear once the cold/hot antagonist leaves. 
  • Swelling: Swelling or tenderness of the gums, as well as small pimple-like bumps, are another sign of bacteria and infection. This swelling needs to be addressed quickly before it spreads. 
  • Tooth discoloration: If there is an infection present in the pulp of the tooth, the tooth will often become discolored. Though it is important to note that this can happen as a result of other things, too. 

Root Canal Treatment at Cragun Endodontics

If you have been experiencing any of the symptoms above, then it is vital you are seen by an experienced endodontist before the infection spreads any further. This will relieve you of your pain as well as clear out any infection you may have, leaving you with the greatest chance of saving your natural tooth. 

At Cragun Endodontics, we have all the tools and skills to diagnose and provide root canal treatment for the ailing tooth. 

To see if a root canal treatment can help you, contact us at 469-579-4201 to schedule an appointment. Or, request an appointment online.